Showroom Backend provides an OpenAPI 3.0 compatible REST API, which is used by the Showroom Frontend to display all activities and entities published to Showroom, as well as to allow authenticated users to adapt their description, showcase and activity list display/ordering. Additionally, repositories authenticated through an API key can push activities and entities to Showroom.

The OpenAPI 3.0 schema for Showroom Backend is generated with drf-spectacular, which also provides a Swagger UI to interact with the API.

Once running, the API itself is available on the /api/v1/ path, while the schema is consumable under any of the following three paths:

  • /api/v1/openapi.json - Open API 3.0 schema in JSON

  • /api/v1/openapi.yaml - Open API 3.0 schema in YAML

  • /api/v1/docs/ - The Swagger UI to the schema described in the above two

As an example reference you can also take a look at the Swagger UI of the current stable release deployment of the University of Applied Arts Vienna: